Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Top Tips to Keep Stables Secure

When looking to purchase stabling there are a number of issues to consider including security.
Equestrian yards and stable blocks can be targeted by thieves who are looking to make off with valuable riding equipment.

Police advice horse enthusiasts to ensure their equipment is marked and recorded with their postcode. This will ensure that when recovered it can be taken back to its rightful owner.

Recently, bridles, bits and other items of tack were taken from stables in Northumberland.

Horse riding equipment including saddles and bridles are expensive to be replaced and opportunist thieves are taking advantage, say police officers.

Here at Cheval Liberte (UK) Ltd take security of stables very seriously and are happy to answer any questions you may have. In the meantime think about the following crime prevention methods to safeguard your stable from being broken into.

1.       Have adequate locks on gates surrounding your yard.
2.       Mark all tack with your postcode.
3.       Think about installing CCTV cameras.
4.       Photograph your horses and equipment so if they are stolen you have something to show police.
5.       Have security lighting around your stables.
6.       If possible, wheel clamp horseboxes.
7.       Horses could be targeted too – remember to micro chip your animals. However, never padlock a stable when your horse is inside.

There are a number of things to consider when choosing stables or American Barns including internal stables, doors and windows. Whatever you decide rest assured we can discuss all your security needs.

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